Rock gigs and jumping rockers!

So, yesterday I went out to cover WhiteSnake at the Hammersmith Apollo. Whenever I mentioned to people that I had no idea who they were, I got this horrified look on their faces. "What? You have no idea who Whitesnake are?? Where were you in the 80s?!?!" Umm.. lets see: I was growing up in Nigeria with NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER in Rock music! Does that answer questions?? Besides, my dad would have said something along the lines of : "Eru orin radda radda lon gbo nisin??" (Roughly translated: You best not be playing that kind of cacophony in this house!!")
Anyhoos, Whitesnake was going to be the first Rock concert to cover, and I have only this to say to the guys that cover these shows on a daily basis: "You guys rock!" Literally. I mean, what with low lighting and the ever changing incandescent lighting, not to mention the rockers jumping up and down, its amazing how anyone gets a good set of frames. I guess Rock photography is a testament to the skills of any photographer. (not all the time, may I add)
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