Oi!! Down in front!
Picture the scene, if you will: You've finally made your way into the gig. The lighting is great and you've set the right F/stop and Shutter Speed. You've composed the subject on stage and your ready to take that shot. And then this happens:
Words cannot explain enough how frustrating this can be for any photographer working in the pit, especially since we have a time limit, and the camera team have free rein. I know that they have every right to be there. I mean, they are just doing their job just as we are, but can't we have some kind of compromise?? Make no mistake, but I get the feeling that the day is still coming, when there is going to be a tag team fight in the pit between photographers and television crews. It's just a matter of time. Le'ts just hope that all teams involved are fully covered with good insurance!

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