"Picture Library?"

I used to work in a Picture Library for one of the Nationals, and
we dealt with different kind of picture requests from the Picture Desk. Some of the requests were so dumb, that there was a book dedicated to 'Moronic Requests'. Worst thing about these requests were that no matter how much you tried to convince the researchers that certain images could not be located in the library or could not have existed, the Picture Researchers were insisted in having such pictures.
Picture the scene, if you will. You're busy in Picture Archives, and the phone goes off:
You: "Picture Library?"
Researcher:"Yes, I need pictures, preferably in colour, of Adam & Eve."
You:"Adam & Eve, huh? Well, let's see if we have any illustrations of.."
Researcher: (cutting you off) "No! I need real pictures of Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden!
You: "Errm, I don't believe that photography was even in existence at that time. Maybe.."
Researcher: "Oh! You people! Don't you guys have anything in that library??"
Ok, maybe she's an atheiest, or never went to Sunday School, or doesn't know much about Religion. That's all well and good. Yet, how do you explain this pictorial demand:
You: "Picture Library?"
Researcher: "Yes, I need pictures of Ghosts, please."
You: "I doubt you'll be able to get pictures of ghosts, but we do have illustrations of ghosts, and some film stills of ghosts and..."
Researcher: (Very Insistent) "Oh, how can you not have pictures of ghosts? Someone ought to have a picture of a real ghost!! And I need one that is chained!"
You: (Now realising that you don't get paid enough to deal with morons, but you try to be as patient as possible) "I can safely assure you that we don't have any pictures of said request. If you check any other Picture Library, they will tell you the same thing: they either have stills or doctored shots of ghost illustrations. May I suggest that..."
Researcher: "Useless bunch!" (And slams phone down!)
Suffice to say that I had a few words with that person for slamming the phone down on me!
Or should I regale you with the call requesting for me to send to her desk all the images we have of World War 2 ("Erm, I think you might want to be a bit specific with that!" "No! Give me everything you have, and I want it NOW!")
Yep.. the dumb gene is never too far to find in some people....
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