Saturday, May 13, 2006

It's good to talk.. at times.

Shots of Carlos Santana at Wembley Arena, yesterday night. Before the gig started, bumped into an old photography buddy also there to cover the show. It's also great at times when you get chatting to people, especially photographers, since they always & mostly keep themselves to themselves, or only chat with you based on A: Who you're taking pictures for (and you better be shooting for either the big agencies or the Nationals!) or B: How expensive your camera gear is. I can (and eventually will) blog a whole issue about the mannerisms of photographers. We're like Marmite: an acquired taste. Anyway, me being moi, I got chatting with one of the photographers, and he so happens to know Nathan East. Now, if you're either a big Fourplay Jazz Fan or Bass player, you'll know who he is. And if you knew how fixated I am with jazz, well!! Need I say more?

Friday, May 12, 2006

Ok, So I was out to cover Earth, Wind & Fire yesterday evening. I get to the venue, was issued my press pass, and then proceeded to get my gear checked by security. Now, either guy checking the gear was either new on the job or was just over enthusiastic, I'm yet to find out. However, here's how the conversation panned out:

Security: (In a thick African Accent) "Open you bag, please"
Moi: "Ok. Here you go" (open the gear bag)
Security: "What are these things?"
Moi: "My camera gear for tonight's gig. Here's my Photographer's pass."
Security: (Taking a look at the lenses) "So, what are these?"
Moi: "They are interchangeable lenses for my camera."
Security: "But what are they for?"
Moi: "What are they for?? I've just said: they are lenses for my camera body.."
Security: "So, are you a professional?"
Moi: "Dude, I have a press pass and a 35mm Camera for a job tonight. What more do you want?"
Security: "I'm not too sure about this.."
Moi: "Dude, here's the thing: I have a pass to cover tonight's show If you're not convinced, let me speak to your supervisor."
Security: "I am the supervisor!" (By this time, a line is forming up behind me to have their bags checked) "Anyway, quickly pack your back and move along!"
Moi: "Dude, don't rush me. Do you have any idea how much gear costs??"

Suffice to say, I finally did get to cover the gig, hence the above shot. A quick epilogue to this, though: Sometimes, you can just pick up on what part of Africa certain people are from, so I went back to the security who had earlier given me palaver. Turns out that we both speak the same dialect and he's from a town not far from where my folks are from.

Shakara Oloje!! I'm going to write up about securtiy at venues and as part of entourages very soon......

Friday, May 05, 2006

One of those unavoidable instances, I guess..

Ever had one of those days when it just does'nt rain, but flaming pours especially when it comes to your cameras? Well, for some strange reason, my FM2 and D70 Nikon bodies have both decided to die on me, so I now have to sort that out. Why do these necessary maintenance situations always take place when you're short changed? Well, no point getting all worked up about it. Better find ways of fixing the problems and getting pictures. And if I don't have the funds just yet to repair them, I can still appreciate the shots I could have taken.

I'm still dreaming for a D2X, though....