Tuesday, March 06, 2007

"Strike a pose!"

Priety Zinta.
Originally uploaded by Aworan.
This I know to be true: Women love to pose! Fact. You might want to dispute that with me, you're entitled with your opinion. It's not a sexist remark, in case any Liberal Feminist/Masculated Fascist brings out the knives. I've made this comment based on daily observations whenever I'm with the camera. Nothing is wrong with posing. To pose in front of the camera is, according to Ak's definition, a physical projection of emotions choreographed and presented as a suppossed expression of your true self for the camera. (Hey! There was only so much Psychology I wanted to learn at University!)

I love taking pictures whenever a person's guard is down. It capture's their true emotion. But whenever the camera is out, and a potential subject knows it's out, then you best believe that all kinds of 'natural looks' are thrown into the mix.

You think I'm making this up? Well, experiment with these tried and tested observations:

If a woman around knows that you have a camera, observe how she systematically adjusts her hair; contemplating which way to turn when asked to look, and most importantly making a mental note if she looks good enough for you to take the shot anyway. ("I'm ready for my close up!!")

If a woman says she doesn't like having her picture taken, and keeps on harping about that, then it's a given that she likes her picture taken. To prove this, say your about to put the camera away. I can guarantee that within 5 minutes, she'll ask why you don't have your camera out.

Whenever you do take a portrait shot, always notice how the face dips down, how the eyebrow is raised, and how the hair covers certain angles of the face. Yep.. its all in the pose.

The one pose that cracks me up is the 'bent' knee look. I only want to take a shot of a face, and for some unexplainable reason, the knee slightly bends, and other dramatic actions, which might probably help in getting the right facial expression. Hey! Whatever works for you!


Blogger Ms. Catwalq said...

Omo, u never hala.
I do not like my picture taken. 90% of the ones ever taken of me provide fodder for blackmail. I always either look hungry, red, unwell or just downright ugly.
I have however discovered that I look better in profile ( at least my face does; my stomach is disgraceful... a story for another day)
Maybe my lack confidence in my looks mirror in the images I take because I rarely look good.
Nice picture of Preity by the way. U know we should talk about your trip to India. I am fascinated by them as a people.
Were they nice to you, considering (and I am assuming) that your skin colou rputs you at the bottom of their caste system?

7:20 PM  

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