A Night of Blues and a Pack of crisps!

Anyway, As favour would have it, a fellow photographer asked me to take his place in taking pictures of the B.B King show, and of course, yours truly was going to oblige. And what a show! It started off with support from Gary Moore.
The lighting wasn't that great, but if you can take shots at Ronnie Scotts Jazz Club, then this was a walk in the park. All the photographers in the pit could only shoot 2 songs (managerial stipulation), so every shot counts. Some punk, I have no idea but it got security riled up, started shooting before we were allowed to start. It's inconsideration like that that spoils it for the rest of us. I managed to get a couple of shots before we were chucked out.
Now, as a rule, I normally pack a bottle of water or sweets in my bag for every gig I go on. This time around, I completely forgot. So, while waiting for us to cover Mr King's act, I wondered off to buy a Snickers bar. Got to the foyer, but was told that there were no snickers but tubs of maltesers. I didn't feel like having maltesers, and I knew that you'd have to pay premium for chocolate, so I opted for a bag of simple Walkers crisps. By this time a queue was forming behind me, so when the cashier told me that the pack of crisp would cost £1, I had already committed my hand to pocket to pay. Now, call me Ebenezer Scrooge or an Ijebu for all I care, but £1 for a bag of crisps???? And the flaming pack is never full. Ooh, don't go all 'Holy than thou' on me when it comes to such things: Let He/she without sin cast the first stone. "Cast it!!"

And here's a shot of the man from the night:

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