Oh- my -God!! You're Lee Ritenour!!!

So, when I found out that he was performing at the Jazz Cafe, I bought tickets for myself and the missus, first and foremost 3 months in advance. It was a cautionary buy, just in case I couldn't get press tickets to take pictures. I was not going to take any chances.
Now, I'm not a music reviewer, but the show was amazing. In spite of the low lighting, ( you can't use flash at most music venues) I managed to get a couple of shots from the show. I was a happy man that night. Had the shots in the can, listened to Lee's music Live (missed his London gig in '97 due to a wedding in the family), recieved a signed autograph of one of his cds, compliments of Alex Acuna. All I wanted to complete the night was to have a shot with Lee. Never thought it would happen: until the missus intervened. And here's the end result:

I can assure you all that this has been the only time that i have gone 'ga-ga' when meeting somone! With the look that 'Cap'n Fingers' is giving me, I'm sure he was seriously considering calling security!.
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