Saturday, January 13, 2007

Shots of Jamiroquai at the Jazz Cafe

Let it never be said that a white man can't have funk. Seeing Jay Kay with Jamiroquai yesterday was a blast. The performance was part of the BBC's Electric Proms, and the Jazz Cafe was one of the venues. It was transformed like a miniature disco hall, with disco balls and an upgrade of good lighting. Actually, not that good lighting for photographers, since we couldn't use flash. But knowing what the lights are like at the Jazz Cafe, beggers can't be choosers.

Couldnt stay for the whole show because images had to be filed out, but from what I heard and saw, he (and the band, may I add) had the audience eating out of his palm. He didn't get to sing my favourite track, 'Virtual Reality', but he did perform 'Space Cowboy'.

Anyway, shots from the night:

I have to admit that with this first shot, I had to get rid of the annoying background. I like it like this.

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Have a great day, guys!

From Waiting brides to Bollywood Legends...

It's been a while since I've posted up images. Reason being is that I was knocked out with the mother of all flu bouts. Thankfully, I seem more alive now. So, I've been out and about taking pictures of this and that: from wedding pictures to music gigs. Since I don't want to bore you with a whole bunch of shots, I've selected some of my favourites.

As usual, all constructive criticism would be appreciated.

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Herbie Hancock Quartet (11/11/2006)

I tried to get accreditation for the London Jazz Festival, but was told it wasn't going to happen for some of the headline acts. So, It's interesting how God opens another outlet. I got a photopass to cover Herbie Hancock. And what a show!! I'm not even going to attempt to review the gig. You had to be there to appreciate it. Here some shots from the gig:

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Don't you just love it when the performer gives you a smile?

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Seu Jorge at the Roundhouse.

Unless you're into your Brazilian or Latin American music, or have watched 'City of God' or 'Life Aquatic: Steve Zissou' (is that the right title?), then you might not be familiar with Seu Jorge. All I can say is listen to some of his tracks.

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Red carpet malarky from the World Music Awards.

I hate Red Carpet events. There. I've said it. First time I covered one was over 2 years ago, and I got there late for that. So covering the World Music Awards yesterday with Red Carpet duty, it just confirmed what I think about it: a pretentious set up with nobodies thinking they are somebodies, and the somebodies who think they are all that.

Would I ever do Red Carpet gigs again? Probably not. Too much palaver for what it's worth, really. Call me a snob, but I don't want to be associated with the majority of the photographers at these gigs. They're like a pack of wild hyenas. If you think I'm exagerrating, just observe a bunch of photographers at these events. They are a bit like papparazzi, but with proper accreditation. I guess this last rant might ostracise me from some of the snappers on the circuit, but I'll say if for what it is. As earlier mentioned, not all the photographers are like that, but you know who you are.

And for all those who paid through the nose to see Michael Jackson perform, you have my heartfelt sympathy for not getting your money's worth.

I'm not going to bore any of you with the obvious shots of who's who on the red carpet, so here's the only shot I managed to sneak, since I wasn't given official accrediation for the performance. (only a select few, and suprise, suprise:Getty Images!)

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Have you ever had what I like to call 'Pictorial Deficiency'? It defines when either the images you have to take just never give you that 'Zabang!' or "je ne suis que', or are just flat and are same ish? I must be having a bout of that lately. Guess I'm not being inspired as I ought to. So, I've dusted down my Nikon FM2 with film (or one of the digital bodies), and it's back to my first love: photojournalism.

Before then, here are some of the shots I've taken from gigs lately..

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Dude in the suit, could you move?!?

That was the statement made last week at the press conference of the Indian Movie, 'Baabul' with John Abrahams (not a name you'd associate with being an Indian, but there you go!) He, with another actor and director, were obliging us photographers with some shots.
As you may or not know, some photographers have no finess at these events at times, so everyone is screaming, "Over here!" "Smile this way!" You'd think we'd mastered the art of saying "Please!", by now. You'd think!

Anway, while all this is going on, one photographer shouts out,"Could you tell the man in the suit.. what's his name? Could you tell him to move into the frame, please?" At that moment, there were gasps all around.. even I gasped out. Here's the man he was referring to:

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If there was ever an editorial Faux Pas at that instance, that was it. Granted, you can't know everyone, but damn! Mr Bachan seemed bemused with the comment and took it with a grin. Nice to know that being big a movie star as he is, he's not uppity in himself. (Compared to some divas I've encountered!)

Funny enough, The Sunday Times Newspaper (Dec 3 2006) had an editorial entitled, "The World's Most famous actor and you've Never heard of him". All in due time, I guess.

Women at gigs!

The claim that women are the fairer sex is a myth that needs to be destroyed asap. When it comes to certain music gigs, women tend to take on a new persona; one you do not want to get sweeped up in! I've been to gigs where I've seen bras thrown on the stage; panties, (now that's just nasty!!) or a young pubescent lass riding a surf crowd to get to the stage, until security step in! These are some of the sights to behold whenever going to certain gigs!

Let's take for example Jon B's concert at the Jazz Cafe last week. Normally, I try to get to the venue early so as to get a good vantage point. However, i took my time. Big mistake! I finally get into the venue, and its rammed packed with screaming women, who were determined not to make life easy for ANYONE trying to get to the front of the stage. No amount of reasoning with most of the women would not make any of them budge, inspite of you saying you're only going to take a number of shots and leave. With arms folded, they stood their ground, with that look saying, "Boy, if you don't get your raggedy arse and cameras away from me and the chance to see Jon B, I will literally break you!!" Now, I've been to gigs where women are a tad crazy over a musician or band, but the most ferocious tend to be black women!! That's a fact. Ask any photographer or punter, and you'll get the same response! Come to think of it, I should conduct a socio-anthropological study on this!

And that's another thing: at said gigs, women, even with their partners around, are like savages. Now, if a guy sees a female perfomer, no way is he going to let off wolve whistles and such. Says alot, doesn't it?

Fairer sex??? You're having a laugh!! I finally did get to the front, (with much palaver!) got the shots I wanted, and scrammed! Here are some of the shots from the night, and other gigs in the past week!

ps: Guys are just as bad, but depends on what kind of gigs you go to, I guess.

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cops & Snappers

Wotcha, all. First off, A happy & blessed 2007 to all of you. Whatever you get up to, have fun.

If you've been reading my blogs, you'd remeber me writing that I'd like to start the new year concentrating more on photojournalism. How God answers prayers! I woke up this morning to banging and thumping that's literally shaking the building foundations. (That's shoddy workmanship for you!) The cause of this palaver was a man who was bent on breaking down the front door to the building and, in his own words, "gonna kill 'em!! Open the **** door, bustarrd!!" This went on for about an hour. Neighbours tried to calm the man down, but the concept of reason had left the man ages ago. The dude seemed high and was behaving like a rabid dog. Suffice to say, the police finally arrived. And when it comes to my neighbourhood, they don't come in pairs, they come in groups. I counted 8-9 officers; i guess it was a realistic number to pin the guy down. Initially, they tried talking to him, but the suspect was just zoned out and wanted to hit one of the officers. Now, you're just asking for it if you do, aren't you?

And where was i during the pandemonium? And of harm's reach with my camera, of course. You don't want to be Robert Capa in my neighbourhood without health or life insurance, or be Rambo! You'll just end as another statistic. So, from a safe distance in the kitchen, here's a shot from the incident:

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